Maximize Your Earnings with our Affiliate Partnership

Turn your influence into income with five key benefits of our program

  • Earn Residual Income

    Secure continuous earnings with our Affiliate Partnership.

  • Access Cutting-Edge Tools

    Utilize advanced marketing tools exclusive to our Affiliate Partnership.

  • Comprehensive Training Provided

    Master affiliate marketing with comprehensive training through our Affiliate Partnership.

  • Lifetime Link Attribution

    Benefit from lifetime customer links with our Affiliate Partnership.

  • Free Educational Resources

    Enhance your skills with free access to all our courses through our Affiliate Partnership.

Affiliate Partnership

Welcome to the Affiliate Partnership course at Branding YOUniversity, a comprehensive resource designed to equip you with the tools and knowledge needed for success in affiliate marketing.

    1. Unlock Your Potential with Exclusive Tools and Training

    1. Affiliate Partnership FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

    1. How to become a Valued Affiliate Partner

    1. Content Syndication Training

    1. GENERAL and PARTNER Back-Office Differences 🔓 (see content below video)

    1. Mastering Your Dynamic News Blog for Branding and Sales (see content below video)

About this course

  • Free
  • 29 lessons
  • 14 hours of video content


A product of Branding YOUniversity's evolution, our New courses are the epitome of effectiveness and innovation. Designated by red seal icons with a large 'N', these courses have been developed after the launch of Branding YOUniversity 3.0 in March 2023. These courses provide short, straightforward, and easy-to-implement lessons designed with the cutting edge of today's branding strategies in mind. These are the courses of the future, paving the way to your successful brand journey with relevant, up-to-date insights. Stay tuned as we continue to release more of these exciting courses!

📚 What's the difference between LEGACY and NEW courses?

Affiliate Partnership FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Branding YOUniversity Affiliate Partnership?

    The Branding YOUniversity Affiliate Partnership offers a lucrative opportunity to earn 50% residual commissions on subscriptions. Click here for a detailed overview of how it works.

  • Is the Affiliate Program free to join?

    The Branding YOUniversity Affiliate Program is not free to join; it involves a monthly fee of $77. However, the benefits provided far outweigh this investment. Click here for a comprehensive breakdown of the advantages and how you can earn through our program.

  • What percentage of sales do I receive as an Affiliate Partner?

    As an Affiliate Partner at Branding YOUniversity, you earn a substantial 50% commission. This includes ongoing residual commissions from our subscription course, Bestseller Summaries, allowing you to earn 50% of the monthly subscription fee month after month. Additionally, you receive 50% commissions on any purchases made by students locked to you for life, from any of our email broadcasts through our auto-responders. Click here for more details on how you can benefit from these commissions.

  • As an Affiliate Partner, do I receive commissions every single time one of my referrals purchases something?

    Yes, as an Affiliate Partner at Branding YOUniversity, you receive a 50% commission every time one of your referrals makes a purchase. This includes both one-time course purchases and recurring payments from our subscription courses like Bestseller Summaries. Once a referral is locked to you, you will continue to earn commissions on their purchases, regardless of when they buy or whether the course is at full price or discounted. This benefit lasts forever, ensuring a continuous income stream from each referral.

  • As an Affiliate Partner, do I receive residual commissions from my referrals' monthly Affiliate Partnership fees?

    No, Affiliate Partnership fees are not commissionable and serve as direct revenue to Branding YOUniversity. Instead, our most successful Affiliate Partners focus on promoting Bestseller Summaries, our flagship subscription course. By doing so, they not only lock students to them for life but also earn significant residual commissions from these subscriptions. Additionally, these Affiliate Partners benefit from 50% commissions on one-time purchases made by their referrals, facilitated through our comprehensive auto-responder system and ongoing promotional offers. This strategy maximizes the potential for continuous, substantial earnings.

  • As an Affiliate Partner, when one of my referrals signs up as a free student, are they locked to me for life?

    Yes, when one of your referrals signs up as a free student at Branding YOUniversity, they are locked to you for life. This means that any future purchases they make, whether it's a one-time paid course or a subscription to Bestseller Summaries, will earn you a 50% commission. We continuously promote both our one-time paid courses and the Bestseller Summaries subscription through our sophisticated auto-responders and broadcast offers to our entire student base. This ensures that you have ongoing opportunities to earn commissions from every student you introduce to our platform, maximizing your potential for residual income.

  • As an Affiliate Partner, if one of my referrals visits the website using my affiliate link but does not sign up immediately, and later returns on their own to open a free student account, will they still be locked to me?

    No, referrals need to sign up through your affiliate link to be locked to you. If a referral visits Branding YOUniversity using your link but does not sign up, and later returns to open a free student account on their own, they will not be attributed to your account. We do not use cookies for tracking; thus, it's crucial to encourage referrals to sign up for a free student account during their initial visit via your affiliate link. A practical way to ensure this is by offering them one of our valuable free courses, which requires them to create a student account to access, thereby securing their connection to your affiliate account right from their first engagement.

  • As an Affiliate Partner, do I have to pay for courses and subscriptions like Bestseller Summaries? Can I use my own affiliate link to make purchases?

    No, as an Affiliate Partner at Branding YOUniversity, you do not have to pay for any courses or subscriptions as long as your Affiliate Partnership is active. This includes everything from our $25 courses like Deep Fake to our high-value $10,000 Elite Thinkers Mastermind course, and even our subscription-based course, Bestseller Summaries. Every paid course and subscription is completely free for Affiliate Partners. Upon signing up, we automatically unlock all current courses and subscriptions for you, and any new courses released are also unlocked automatically. The only fee you are responsible for is the $77 monthly Affiliate Partnership fee. If you decide to cancel your partnership or if a monthly payment is missed, your access to these paid courses and subscriptions will be revoked, and you will need to purchase them individually like any other student, as you will then be classified as a student rather than an affiliate.

  • If I am not an Affiliate Partner, will I get credit for referring someone to Branding YOUniversity?

    No, only registered Affiliate Partners are eligible to receive credit for referrals. To benefit from referrals and earn commissions, you must be enrolled in our Affiliate Partnership Program.

My Story: The Journey Thus Far

About Joseph Marc Lalonde (Branding YOUniversity Founder)

Branding YOUniversity PROfessor

Joseph Marc Lalonde

Branding YOUniversity PROfessor Joseph Marc Lalonde

About Joseph Marc Lalonde aka The Wealthy Trainer (Branding YOUniversity Founder): Marc (as everyone calls him) caught the “Entrepreneurial Bug” at 17 years old when he started selling Pet Food door-to-door. Since then, Marc has experienced both extremes of life, going from being a successful Computer Consultant with several side-businesses, to falling into substance abuse, which led to him getting fired, going broke and becoming homeless. However, he was able to bounce back, earning a 7-figure income while helping thousands of people from around the globe to find financial freedom by doing what they love. Since launching Branding YOUniversity, Marc has helped Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Real Estate Agents, Insurance Brokers, Authors, Actors, Musicians, Lawyers, Teachers, Industry-Specific Professionals, and of course, people with a specific Passion from around the globe brand themselves. Marc’s purpose is to help people brand themselves as Leaders and Authorities in either their specific niche or in whatever their passion is while creating an income doing what they love.


What people are saying about Joseph Marc Lalonde
(Branding YOUniversity Founder)

Don Lachance

David Anderson

Clive Jeffrey

Vitaliy Dubinin

Zach Loescher

Jean-Serge Gagnon

Robert Mirarich

Chris Kelley

Chris Shouse

Michael McDonald

Dr. Lisa Thompson

Gina Bell